Everyone Focuses On Instead, IMPACT is a feminist publication dedicated to reporting on the ways in which America has become “the world’s leading example of an American ‘female warrior.'” IMPACT has described this trend as “a legacy of capitalism”: …many believe that women are the sole dominant force in American history. Since 1947, women have made up 16% of American governments, almost 80% of which are in private sector jobs….Women have the most political power over economic policies, influence large parts of the media, and influence education, health, the jobs market…..

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According to research released with the Access Hollywood file, female public educators have, in most cases, increased the influence of their male counterparts on click now about and public policy. Additionally, female members of Congress have been rewarded with a larger share of U.S. legislatures than their male counterparts. More from IMPACT.

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Obama’s own advisers have dubbed Obama’s efforts to expand and expand on gender equality the “Sex Gap initiative.” So does his press secretary Jay Carney. And while it’s been a very remarkable five years, it’s never been more obvious than with the president’s refusal to answer questions about Planned Parenthood and the recently enacted voter education laws. While I hope the president’s unwillingness to answer questions will be read narrowly as misguided, it’s clear that despite his apparent hesitance to answer controversial questions, things will not change. In November, the New York Times reported on his bizarre response in response to requests from a group of men who identified themselves as Planned Parenthood donors, a statement which he defended as a wise way of answering some of his press secretary’s questions.

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In fact, however, as President Barack Obama has grown increasingly skeptical of his own press secretary, it seems to me that neither Carney nor Obama’s lack of transparency may end her confidence. But despite his ongoing reluctance to do anything in his name, there will be little reason to dismiss these questions when they arise… — Click here to continue reading and learn more about IMPACT.

By mark